2023-07-06 Prep Day
Our research is suggesting that the Gibb River Road should be fully open by early next week. We have decided that we are going to stick with the original itinerary and see how we go. So tomorrow we head off for Birdwood Downs for a couple of nights and then we are in the thick of it.
Today was spent mostly prepping for the trip. We are looking at 3+ weeks off grid and who knows what is available in terms of supplies and fuel, given the lack of access for anyone for the last week and a half. So today we shopped like the world is ending. Spare fuel is going on the roof, and all the washing is done. It felt like the pack was almost as big as when we were getting ready to leave home.
We took a break and did some drone photography for lunch at high tide. Yesterday on the cruise we were told of a great spot for droning, so we went there.
When we arrived another drone pilot was photographing at the location and gave us the inside info on another spot over the other side of Roebuck Bay (about 40km away on a dirt road), so after getting what we were after we went there. And he was right! Gorgeous spot. Bob has been droning as well the last couple of trips, but he hasn’t shared any photographs with me yet…
Not a lot of variety in today’s photo’s, but they really do represent the gorgeous colours.
Tonight we headed out one last time to photograph the moon. No real staircase effect where we were at Kabbarli Lookout but still a lovely outlook.