2023-08-10 Daly Waters Again!

2023-08-10 Daly Waters Again!

We headed off separately this morning from Nitmiluk with Bob and I getting brekky in Katherine and picking up some bits and pieces before meeting the Scotts after their sunrise mountain biking expedition.

We have travelled around 300km today along roads we have travelled before.  Karen and I have made good crossword progress.  The call went out by the boys that lunch should include one final dip at the thermal springs at Mataranka, which was an easy one to agree to.  We decided on Mataranka Springs as we only went there once on the way up and we haven’t heard of it having salties swimming through since we left (unlike Bitter Springs).

The stop off was relaxing and we beelined from there back to Daly Waters where the Scott’s have elected to enjoy another meal of Beef and Barra, while we have decided to order from the bar tonight.  We have had a great evening playing Canasta and enjoying the live music (with even a bit of dancing :)).

Tomorrow will be a big travel day.

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