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Category: Lake Argyle

2023-06-16 More Lake Argyle

2023-06-16 More Lake Argyle

A down day today. Karen watched the sun rise over the range from the kayak while sipping tea and counting crocodiles. It sounded lovely, but not enough to entice me out. A few vehicle maintenance tasks today ahead of our next trek into the Bungle Bungles. We spent a couple of hours this afternoon at the Argyle Homestead Museum where we gained an understanding of the pastoral development of the area and the families that made it happen. The same…

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2023-06-15 Kayaking

2023-06-15 Kayaking

This morning we all agreed to an early start and headed down to the water at 730 am with our kayaks, ready to inflate. No real points there as we are still in NT time and it was really 9am in our heads. We spent a lovely 4 hours kayaking around a small portion of the lake. 10km later, and my arms will be reminding me of today’s exercise tomorrow! Sue saw a little freshwater croc but it disappeared into…

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2023-06-14 Lake Argyle

2023-06-14 Lake Argyle

We left Victoria River by 8 this morning for the 300km drive to Lake Argyle. Excitingly (for me) the boab trees started appearing before we reached the WA border. After around 250km we hit the border and the quarantine station where all fresh food we hadn’t eaten was confiscated. The plan was to stock up at the store at Lake Argyle when we arrived. Along with losing our food at the border, we gained time… so much of it. Our…

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