2023-08-31 Homeward Bound

2023-08-31 Homeward Bound

I woke this morning feeling contemplative.  It’s weird to think this trip is drawing to a close – and wondering how we will all assimilate back to normal life.  Apparently crocs aren’t suitable footwear in the office 🙁  .

Today was spent doing our own things.  Karen and Kieran continued with touristing for one last day while Bob and I went into van prep mode – Bob and I spent a few weeks working from the van here during covid in 2021 so not really needing to sight-see.  First job was to replace the step we trashed on our first night on the Gibb, however after 6 caravan places we had no success.  A phone call to Newcastle and we have one put away for us to pick up next week.  

Karen and Kieran rode 43km today into and around Coffs Harbour. They made it back to the van before the rain started this afternoon.

We downed cleaning rags in the afternoon and spent a few hours enjoying just being here.  I prepared a slideshow of photos of the trip and we met at the camp kitchen for happy hour and watched. Then off to Indian dinner for one last formal night – it’s been a while. We came back to the camp kitchen and prepared a sticky date pudding to cook in the oven (Karen’s favourite dessert), and played 5 Crowns again.  A power blackout for an hour meant it was a very late dessert.  

6 thoughts on “2023-08-31 Homeward Bound

  1. We have really enjoyed your photos and tales of your adventures. Thanks for sharing with us all. Safe journey for the last leg home.

    1. I need to introduce you to my friends Nicki and Renee. You are all so closed minded 😉 . Me and Justin Bieber are rocking this footwear 🙂 .

  2. Well done to you all on an epic trip. I am just catching up on your posts as we have been camping. Your blog has really opened up the north west to me and provided more ideas for future holidays. Will have to catch up with you sometime

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