2023-07-17 Barnett River Gorge

2023-07-17 Barnett River Gorge

Off to Barnett River again this morning.  I got given control of the car and it was a fun 45km one hour drive.  Along the way we saw the resident cows beside the road and the equipment used to smooth the road in to Mt Elizabeth – I have to say it doesn’t appear to have been used for a while based on the state of the road in.

After a 1 hour hike into the gorge we arrived and had the place to ourselves – which was a lot different to all the other gorges when we have arrived.  This gorge was quite pleasant, but not impressive on the scale of others we have visited over the last week.  We swam, ate lunch, did crosswords and then added another 4 hands to the Canasta game that is starting to become a long winded game – 2 steps forward 1 step back.  The latest position is Bob and I are losing by 315, but the lead seems to change every hand (after 9 hands).

Tomorrow we head to Drysdale Station.  We are hearing the water crossing there is the biggest on the Gibb at the moment.  Hope my caravan door vent taping is still waterproof!

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