2023-08-01 Zebedee Springs

2023-08-01 Zebedee Springs

I can’t believe it’s August! We left home at the end of April and will be back home in a month….there is still so much to see and do until then though.

This morning Karen and Kieran headed off early for the hike to Amalia Gorge. They really enjoyed it, however Bob and I have decided to save our knees for Emma Gorge tomorrow.

We weren’t far behind them and were at Zebedee Springs just after 8. The springs are crystal clear and thermal with a temp of around 32 deg which was exactly what the doctor ordered for our fatigue from yesterday’s hike. We found ourselves our own little rock pool with water cascading through and proceeded to soak, and soak, and soak.

Karen and Kieran showed up around 10 and jumped in the rock pool just downstream from us. Very relaxing.

After almost 3 hours in the water we decided we were pruned enough and headed back to camp. We have had to spend some time working on charging the van batteries as we’ve got a shady site near the river and the temps are keeping the fridge running constantly.

This afternoon we all jumped in the Scott car and headed up to Saddleback Ridge for sunset. It did not disappoint! An extra bonus was the super moon rising just before the sun set.

For our last day tomorrow we have a packed day planned. Early start to Emma Gorge (which I’ll admit I’m a bit nervous about after the effort it took yesterday), then an afternoon cruise to Chamberlain Gorge followed by dinner booked at the restaurant. Then, after almost 4 weeks our Gibb adventure will be over.

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